With the growing popularity of digital device, elder population increasing and acceration of aging, customers have beawared of importance of eye health care, which makes the market of eye health supplement booming.
According to 2012 clinical research of USA NIH, the formla (AREDS2) contains 10 mg lutein and 2 mg zeaxanthin, can slow down the age-related macular degeneration.
Today, consumers have fully realized that lutein eye health products need to be based on the formula of lutein: zeaxanthin = 10:2.
How can we make the eye care lutein product outstanding when the 10:2 formula ratio is well acknowledged by consumers?
Macula is a significant part of the retina related to vision, which is the tissue that contains the highest concentration of lutein and zeaxanthin in the human body. The pigments protect the visual cell when the light projects on the retina and forms the vision.
Fovea, the middle tissue in the macula, is where visual cells concentrate, the sensitive area of visual perception, and the region with the highest concentration of meso-zeaxanthin.
For visual health, besides supplementing with lutein, it is crucial to supplement with meso-zeaxanthin.